What is the RDO?
As a Party, we strive to:
Identify and support candidates whose goal is to serve the residents while preserving the natural beauty and historical character of our town
Promote sustainable growth that protects the environment and character of Ringwood. We support economic development which highlights existing local businesses and outdoor recreation
Fully support an educational system that develops critical thinking skills and emphasizes tolerance, since education is key to a vibrant democracy
Support cultural and artistic initiatives that enrich our lives, and cultivate innovation and connection
Encourage volunteerism to increase our participation and visibility on borough boards, committees, and commissions
Ensure that our municipal government is responsive to the needs of the community and open to residents’ input on decisions impacting our future.
If you’d like to help Democrats get elected to office, keep up with local issues, or simply spend one night a month with like-minded individuals, the RDO is the place for you!
The Ringwood Democratic Organization meets on the fourth Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm at The Collective (153 Skylands Road), but please make sure to read your emails and check our Facebook page for any changes. For monthly reminders and updates, join our mailing list and follow us on Facebook. Dues for the RDO are $25 per calendar year and can be paid at anytime.
To become a member, please click the button below and fill out the membership form.
Executive Board:
Breeze Sando, President
Jessica Kitzman, Vice President
Erika Travan, Vice President
Amanda Beth McCormick Gillman, Secretary
Sarah Holle, Treasurer
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
The Ringwood Democratic Organization meets the fourth Thursday of the month at 7PM.
The Ringwood Town Council meets every third Tuesday of the month.
Council meetings are broadcast on YouTube, and on Channel 77 if you are unable to attend
Click the button below to download our document with useful Ringwood community information.